Child Labour In Indiagradelasopa

Facts about Child Labor in Africa inform you with the child exploitation to do the workforce. Africa is the home of the highest incidence rate of child labor. More than 40 percent of the children at the age of 5 to 15 years old are involved in child labor. This condition definitely can ruin their mental and physical development. Get other interesting facts about child labor in Africa below:

Facts about Child Labor in Africa 1: the main cause of child labor in Africa

The primary cause of child labor in Africa is because of poverty. Find facts about child development here.


Facts about Child Labor in Africa 2: the largest employer

A decade after the $100 billion chocolate industry pledged to cut child labor in the world’s top cocoa producers, a report sponsored by the U.S. Government shows the problem has actually gotten. The Child Labour Act also allows states to crack down on child labour—but is used to mixed effect across the country. From 2015 to 2017, a total of 4,466 prosecutions were launched across India. Worldwide, the majority of child labour is found in the agriculture sector (71%). Today, 108 million boys and girls are engaged in child labour in crop production, livestock, forestry, fisheries or aquaculture, often working long hours and facing occupational hazards. Child labour violates the rights of children.

The larger employer of child labor in Africa is the agricultural sector. But most of the children are the unpaid workers in the family.

Child Labour in Africa Facts

Facts about Child Labor in Africa 3: the African children in the history

If you check the history of the African children, most of them had been engaged in various works at home and farms.

Facts about Child Labor in Africa 4: the African children before 1950s


Before 1950s, the African children had engaged in various workforces in Africa, Europe and America. You can find them in domestic and agricultural works.

Facts about Child Labor in Africa 5: the skills and arts

The skills and arts that the children learn were from the parents. They considered it as a form of vocational education or schooling. Therefore, there is no formal education that the children receive. They will continue the hereditary occupations of the parents.


Facts about Child Labor in Africa 6: the northern Tanzania

It is very common for the children who live in northern Tanzania to help the adults to carry fodder for the animals or even tend the crops. Find facts about child labor during the industrial revolution here.

Facts about Child Labor in Africa 7: the colonial rule

The colonial rule in Africa increased the rate of child labor. The European powers such as Belgium, France, Britain, Netherlands and Germany in 1650 to 1950 made the people continue the practice of child labor.

Facts about Child Labor in Africa 8: the children in colonial era

During the colonial era in Africa, there were millions of children who worked in domestic service, mining industries and agricultural plantation.

Child Labour in Africa

Facts about Child Labor in Africa 9: apprentice

The children at the age of 4 to 14 years old became apprentice during the colonial era. However, they were not paid.

Facts about Child Labor in Africa 10: the mining industries

There are many children in Africa who work in the mining industries. One of the popular locations was in Sierra Leona. The children tried to mine diamond.

Do you like reading facts about child labor in Africa?

The state commission for protection of child rights released three posters as part of a sensitisation programme against child labour on Thursday.

The posters were released at Shramik Mela 2021 at Ramlila Maidan. The fair, a two-day affair, is being organised by the labour department of the state government.

Child Labor In

This comes at a time when chances of children dropping out of schools and looking for work is high because of the hardships posed by the pandemic.

The posters depict contrasting images of a child as a labourer and another as a student, with a line in Bengali to drive home the message against child labour.

Child Labor Cons

One of the three posters says: “School chhut? Shetai shishu shrom er route! (School dropout? That is the route to child labour!)”.

Another says: “School e jabo ebar, hobona child labour (will go to school now, will not be a child labour)”.

Child Labor Tn

The third says: “Jekhane porashona kom/shekhane shishu shrom (where there is less of studies/there is child labour)”.

Commission officials said that given the present conditions, the need for such awareness campaigns is more than ever.


“Schools are closed for the pandemic for almost a year now and we do not know when they will reopen. We feel there is a strong possibility of dropouts. In poor families children will be sent to work and we want to discourage that,” said Ananya Chatterjee Chakraborti, chairperson, West Bengal Commission for Protection of Child Rights.

Chatterjee Chakraborti called for intervention to stop children from being prevented from going to school.

The posters have been sent to Calcutta police and the directorate of child rights and trafficking. The posters will also be put up at traffic signals and kiosks, said Yashabanti Sreemany, a member of the commission.

She said that there were many families where children were first-generation learners and efforts should be made to enable the children to complete their studies.

“After a child gets educated, the family realises that he/she is an asset and not a liability,” Sreemany said. Awareness among such families is not enough, society as a whole needs to realise the problem, she said.

“It has to be a joint effort and if anyone sees a child labourer, they need to speak up,” Sreemany said.

The posters also contain helpline numbers, which are 1098 and 9836300300 (the commission’s WhatsApp number).