Srm The Remote Server Returned An Error (503)

Jan 07, 2017 Connection Error: Lost connection to SRM Server Hostname:Port The Server Hostname could not interpret the client’s request. (The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.) Connecting Usually when I see this, I simply restart the SRM service however on this occasion the SRM service would start and stop after a few seconds.

Hello People,

Its been a while I have not written any articles in the recent times, Encountered a interesting issue so thought of sharing it across , We witnessed a environment where customer had SRM 5.5 installed on a windows 2008 environment.

  1. See Error: The web server is not configured correctly. Unable to connect to the webserver Are you running Visual Studio and the Web server on the same machine and debugging using F5.
  2. Oct 11, 2018 The remote server returned an error: 503 Server Unavailable. Suggested Answer. This is a bug that was fixed a while ago. I'm assuming you're on PU12 or PU15? Use the issue search on LCS and look for '503 server unavailable' and you should find it. Since this dev tools are in the platform, this will require a platform hotfix to PU12 or PU15, or update to PU20.

Connecting to SRM failed with a error “Lost connection to SRM Server X.X.X.X:8095

The server ‘X.X.X.X could not interpret the client’s request. (The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.)

We encountered the above message while trying to connect via the vsphere client.

Since verifying the logs is the first thing we are good at. I went through the DR logs to check the cause of the issue.

[06620 warning ‘LocalVC’ connID=vc-admin-22d0] Failed to connect: (vim.fault.InvalidLogin) {

–> dynamicType = <unset>,

–> faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

–> msg = “Received SOAP response fault from [<cs p:00000000054c4db0, TCP:ivlvcenter:80>]: login

–> Cannot complete login due to an incorrect user name or password.”,

[06612 info ‘Default’] CoreDump: Writing minidump

[06616 info ‘Default’] CoreDump: Writing minidump

User confirmed the administrator password was changed couple of days back. The same user was used during installation of SRM on both the sites.

Possible ways we could encounter the above issue would be in these conditions

  • The Site Recovery Manager service may not be running. Check the services on the SRM server to be sure that the Site Recovery Manager Service is running.
  • Verify that the user account for Site Recovery Manager in Active Directory is not locked, the password for the user has not been changed since SRM was installed, and the password is set not to expire.

Srm The Remote Server Returned An Error (503) Windows 10

To rectify the issue we can fix this in two different ways.

  • In SRM 5.x, run the installer in the modify mode. This would allow you to enter the updated password and SRM would re-establish its connectivity with the vCenter


  • Alternatively, you can change the stored password from the command line.To change the password on an SRM 5.x installation:
    1. Open an elevated command prompt on the SRM server.
    2. Navigate to your SRM Installation directory using the change directory command (cd).
      For example: cd C:Program FilesVMwareVMware vCenter Site Recovery Managerbin
    3. Run the command: srm-config.exe -cmd updateuser -cfg ..configvmware-dr.xml -u <userID>
    4. Follow the prompts from srm-config.exe to update the user credentials.
    5. Run the command services.msc to open Windows service manager.
    6. Select the VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager Server service in the service manager utility and click Restart.

Once password was updated SRM resumed to connect successfully and we had one happy user.

Hope this article was helpful. Watch out for more.

Problems encountered with Dynamics GP Workflow meant that I had to rebuild the product and in the end uninstalling and then reinstalling. The problem with the rebuild or uninstall of the product was that we receive the error:
“The remote server returned an error (503) server unavailable”.
To get round this I manually uninstalled the product however I received the same issue when I began to install it again.
The issue was down to a registry entry that was point to a different Security Admin Service.
HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftBusiness SolutionsWorkflow for Dynamics GP1033SETUP
Manually removed Dynamics GP workflow and cleaning up the registry especially removing the above key
Manually removing Dynamics GP Workflow
1. Verify the Dynamics GP Workflow 10.0 record in the WSInstallStatus table is removed by running the follow SQL command in SQL Management Studio:
select * from DYNAMICS..WSInstallStatus where InstallStep = ‘350DF9B1-F1A1-4859-BBD3-776021116F69’

2. Search the Windows Registry on the server to make sure there isn't any mention of 'Workflow for Microsoft Dynamics GP', 'Workflow for Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0' or 'Workflow'. Also remove the registry key:

HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftBusiness SolutionsWorkflow for Dynamics GP1033SETUP

Srm The Remote Server Returned An Error (503) Error

IMPORTANT: Please ensure that you do not remove reference to other products (sharepoint and office) who may be reference the word Workflow. The blog author can not be held responsible for any damage caused by editing the registry directly.

3. If the Dynamics GP Workflow 10.0 site is still available, please run these command from the sharepoint program filder and verify they are successful:
• stsadm -o deactivatefeature -name DynamicsApproval -url -force
• stsadm -o deactivatefeature -name DynamicsWorkflowForms -url -force
• stsadm -o deactivatefeature -name DynamicsWorkflow -url -force
• stsadm -o uninstallfeature -name DynamicsApproval -force
• stsadm -o uninstallfeature -name DynamicsWorkflowForms -force
• stsadm -o uninstallfeature -name DynamicsWorkflow -force

4. Remove the web application through SharePoint that Dynamics GP Workflow 10.0 was installed onto, marking the option to remove the web site in IIS Manager and the content database in SQL Server. Run an IISRESET to complete the changes.

Dynamics GP Workflow New Install
1. Create a new web application in SharePoint again to install Dynamics GP Workflow onto. No need to create a site collection as the Workflow install will create the relevant /sites/DynamicsGPWorkflow site collection.

2. Perform new Dynamics GP Workflow install again