Destiny How To Switch Factions

Gotta wait until the next Faction Rally starts. I wish Bungie would release a statistic of how many tokens were turned in (guessing that's how a winner is determined) so we could see just how away from the lead Future Wall Cult and New Memearchy were from Derp Orbit. Factions in Destiny 2 work a little different than they did in Destiny 1. Rather than being something you can join and stay in for as long as you want, joining a faction is now a timed event.

  1. Destiny Faction Locations

BEAR and USEC are the two PMC factions in Escape From Tarkov. You’ll have to choose between them when creating your main character, and it’s a big choice – at the time of writing, the only way to change faction is via account reset or server wipe. This means you’re stuck with whichever team you choose, and if you want to defect, you’ll have to pray the developers add the option in a future update. With that in mind, we’ve decided to help you make the choice by writing a Tarkov BEAR vs USEC 2020 guide, to show you which faction to choose in Escape From Tarkov patch 0.12.3.

Which faction to pick in Tarkov 2020 patch 0.12.3

The Faction Wars were a series of conflicts within the City. The various disparate factions struggled for power and nearly brought the City to its knees, until the Guardians finally took a stand and ended the fighting. The City's government was divided into the Consensus, the Speaker, and the Vanguard, and the factions now use civil channels to gain power and influence rather than fighting one. New Monarchy is one of the threefactionsof The City, dedicated to maintaining the haven and bringing back the Golden Age. Dissatisfied with the fragmentation within the City, New Monarchy advocates abolishing the Consensus and transferring governmental power from the Speaker to an elected Monarch. New Monarchy's representative in the Tower, Executor Hideo, is a vendor who sells New Monarchy.

At the moment, the differences are slim. USEC uses English voice commands, while BEAR soldiers shout in Russian. They look a bit different, and have slightly different starting gear. It’s pretty much all cosmetic at this point, and the voices are the only functional difference. Since you can play with others no matter their faction, you can just pick the one that sounds better to you.

More differentiation is planned for the future, but there’s no telling when it may come. For instance, the developers have made public their plans to add more outfits for both of the factions. They’ve also mentioned toying with the idea of giving the factions different gameplay advantages – like a preference for heavy armor and Russian weapons for BEAR, or light armor and American weapons for USEC. It may take a while, though, so don’t hold your breath.

As far as starting gear is concerned, both factions start with several pistols and a submachine gun. BEAR users get a Grach and PP-19, while USEC starts off with P226 and MP5. Neither offers significant advantage, though, so it’s also a matter of personal preference.

Finally, there are the narrative implications, if you’re the sort to take that into consideration. USEC are basically the bad guys here – they work for the Terra Group corporation, blocking progress on any investigations into their employer, destroying evidence of illegal activities and protecting their property. BEAR, on the other hand, are kind of like super-cops. They’re there to find out what kind of illegal stuff the Terra Group is into, and are employed by the regional government. Again, this is just flavor, and means as much for the gameplay as the appearance customization.

From Destinypedia, the Destiny wiki

'They've done more good than harm. By most calculations.'
— Grimoire description

Factions are groups that Guardians can join and earn Reputation with. Most factions are based within the Last City, but some are found elsewhere, such as the Reef. Completing activities for a faction allows Guardians to increase their rank with them and earn rewards. On the other hand, there are some factions that cannot be joined because they have no Reputation stat, and furthermore, the enemy races have their own factions dedicated to their own goals.

Consensus Factions[edit]

These three factions form the City's government, the Consensus, and seek champions among the Guardians to represent them in the Crucible. Guardians may pledge themselves to a faction for a fee of 2500 Glimmer to support it and earn faction-specific rewards, such as Weapons, Armor, Emblems, and Shaders. Guardians can only change their allegiance once per week, and must pay the fee each time. Players continue to earn Vanguard or Crucible Reputation in addition to Reputation with their faction.

If players earn Level 25 Reputation with a Faction, they'll unlock a Faction quest that rewards an Exotic Class item that increases Reputation gains with that Faction.

Dead OrbitFuture War CultNew Monarchy
Tower Rep
Arach Jalaal
Tower Rep
Tower Rep
Executor Hideo
'The Traveler is not our only salvation. Another future lies out among the light of other stars.'
Dead Orbit is a survivalist faction that believes humanity's future lies not on Earth with the Traveler, but in a great diaspora throughout the universe. They hope that by colonizing as many worlds beyond the Solar System as possible, humanity will become too innumerable for another disaster like the Collapse to break it or an enemy like the Darkness to extinguish it. Dead Orbit members are currently assembling a fleet of starships to begin their interstellar journey.
'There is no future but now. No truth but war.'
Future War Cult is a fatalist faction that believes conflict is the quintessential nature of the universe and the inescapable end-state of most, if not all possible realities. Known for their martial prowess as much as their secrecy and eccentricity, Cultists assert that another confrontation with the Darkness, the 'coming war', is inevitable whether humanity makes its stand on Earth or attempts to flee elsewhere. In their opinion, preparing for that confrontation should be the sole, driving purpose of the Last City and the Guardians.
'Hope will be born from the collective triumphs of the king in us all.'
New Monarchy is a monarchist faction that believes humanity should strive to restore the lost glory and order of the Golden Age, and that the ideal way to achieve that is by uniting the Last City under a single, benevolent ruler invested with absolute authority. New Monarchists view the Consensus as a tenuous compromise that impedes the path to true progress. They patiently await the day when the Consensus voluntarily abolishes itself and a monarch is chosen by acclamation.

Faction Rallies[edit]

In Destiny 2, the factions return to compete against one another in the Faction Rallies event, where one of the factions is declared the winner by receiving the most support from players across all available activities.

Guardian Factions[edit]

These factions give Reputation to Guardians by default.

  • Vanguard—the default faction for all Guardians. The Vanguard advise Guardians on missions and see to the City's defense. Guardians earn Reputation with the Vanguard by completing Patrol missions, Story Missions, Strikes, and Vanguard Bounties.
  • Crucible—the City's competitive arena. Guardians earn Reputation by competing and completing Crucible bounties, and Lord Shaxx's weekly bounties.
  • Iron Banner—a special tournament in the Crucible. Guardians earn Reputation by winning matches and completing Iron Banner bounties. Formerly hosted by Lady Efrideet and currently overseen by Lord Saladin.
  • Cryptarch—any Guardian who brings engrams for decoding are rewarded for their discoveries.
  • Gunsmith—field test weapons for the Tower's gunsmith, and he'll reward you with a special delivery with one of the City's Weapon Foundries.
  • Sparrow Racing League—complete and win Sparrow races to increase SRL Event Standing and earn better rewards. The Tower Shipwright hosts the event.

Quest Factions[edit]

These individuals seek the help of Guardians for their own agendas.

  • Crota's Bane—Eris Morn is the sole representative of this faction, and is obsessed with stopping Crota, Son of Oryx and Oryx, the Taken King. Completing her bounties will unlock items for sale exclusive to her.
  • Queen's Wrath—the Reef is hiring Guardians to eliminate dangerous members of the House of Wolves and the Taken that have escaped into the wild. The Queen's Guard awards those who brings the Reef's enemies to justice.
  • House of Judgment—the Queen wants the Prison of Elders cleared of its prisoners, and has tasked Guardians with this duty in exchange for treasures.

Other Factions[edit]

These factions are named, but cannot be joined by Guardians to date.

  • Cult of Osiris—a cult dedicated to the teachings of Osiris. Players can interact with its representative, Brother Vance, but cannot earn Reputation with them.
  • Symmetry—a minor faction that was founded on the teachings of Ulan-Tan. Barred from the Consensus for being too dangerous.
  • Concordat—a former Consensus member, ejected after its founder, Lysander, was exiled.

Enemy Factions[edit]

  • Fallen Houses:
    • House of Devils—noble House located on Earth, most commonly encountered by Guardians.
      • Devil Splicers—a radical sect of the Fallen Splicers belonging to the House of Devils.
    • House of Kings—secretive yet dangerous noble House on Earth rarely seen by Guardians.
    • House of Exile—a House of outcasts from the Battle of Twilight Gap located on the Moon.
    • House of Winter—large Fallen House on Venus looking to secure Vex technology.
    • House of Wolves—Fallen House that was once loyal to Mara Sov but rebelled under the leadership of Skolas, Kell of Kells.
    • House of Dusk—a mysterious Fallen House that emerges during the Red War, engaging every other faction in the system.
    • Scorn—a rogue faction of Fallen pirates that broke out from the Prison of Elders following the Red War.
  • Hive Sects:
    • The Hidden Swarm—the Hive's outermost line of defense on the Moon, most commonly encountered by Guardians.
    • Spawn of Crota—direct servants of Crota, Son of Oryx.
    • Cult of the Worm—a desperate brood contained in the Prison of Elders.
    • Cult of Megor—a desperate brood contained in the Prison of Elders.
    • Blood of Oryx—direct servants of Oryx, the Taken King.
    • The Silent Brood—wardens of The Sunless Cell on the Dreadnaught.
    • Venom of Oryx—seen only in The First FirewallStory mission.
    • Savathûn's Hive—servants of Savathûn, found on Titan.
    • Grasp of Nokris—servants of Nokris and Xol, found on Mars, Hellas Basin.
  • Vex Programmings:
    • Hezen Corrective—Vex units that seek out and attack the House of Winter on Venus.
    • Hezen Protective—protectors of important Vex sites like The Citadel.
    • Virgo Prohibition—aggressive and relentless Vex units that test the Cabal's Exclusion Zone.
    • Sol Divisive—protectors of the Black Garden.
    • Precursors—ancient yet futuristic Vex in the Vault of Glass.
    • Descendants—extremely old Vex from the future in the Vault of Glass.
    • Unidentified Vex collective—Vex programming collective active on Nessus, Io, and Mercury.
  • Cabal Legions:
    • Sand Eaters—most commonly encountered infantry on Mars.
    • Dust Giants—highly trained soldiers used to reinforce crumbling lines and fend off Vex offensives.
    • Siege Dancers—elite forward soldiers that take over newfound territory.
    • Ice Reapers—an elite Psion unit including the Psion Flayers.
    • Blind Legion—soldiers that seek out and defend Vex artifacts on Mars.
    • Broken Legion—a renegade detachment contained in the Prison of Elders.
    • Skyburners—celestial demolitions fleet; formerly a reserve fleet until the Taken War.
    • Red Legion—elite Cabal special forces Legion; sent to capture the Traveler in Destiny 2.
      • Unnamed Red Legion Deserters—Cabal forces who broke off from the Red Legion during the Red War.
    • Loyalists—the loyal followers of Emperor Calus who serve him aboard The Leviathan.
  • Taken—the personal army of Oryx, the Taken King, composed of corrupted and enslaved members of other enemy races.

List of Appearances[edit]

  • Destiny(First appearance)
Guardian Factions
Story Factions
Crota's Bane • House of Judgment • Queen's Wrath • Vanguard
Crucible Factions
Cult of Osiris • Crucible • Dead Orbit • Iron Banner • Future War Cult
New Monarchy • SRL Event Standing
Service Factions
Mentioned Factions
Echelon South • Concordat • Symmetry
Guardian Orders and Groups
Hunter Groups
Dead End Cure • Icarus Drifters • Shadowjacks
Titan Orders
Chain Order • Firebreak Order • First Pillar Order • Order of the Lost Saint
Pilgrim Guard • Stoneborn Order • Sun Legion • The Sunbreakers
Warlock Orders
Factions of Enemy Races
Cabal Legions
Blind Legion • Broken Legion • Dust Giants • Ice Reapers • Loyalists • Red Legion • Sand Eaters
Siege Dancers • Skyburners
Fallen Houses
House of Devils (Devil Splicers) • House of Dusk • House of Exile • House of Judgment
House of Kings • House of Rain • House of Salvation • House of Scar • House of Spider
House of Stone • House of Winter • House of Wolves • Kell's Scourge • Scorn
Hive Broods
Blood of Oryx • Cult of the Worm • Grasp of Nokris • Hidden Swarm • Savathûn's Brood
The Silent Brood • Spawn of Crota • Venom of Oryx
Vex Programming
Aphix Invasive • Descendants • Hezen Corrective • Hezen Protective
Precursors • Sol Divisive • Sol Collective • Virgo Prohibition
Miscellaneous Factions
Taken • Nightmares • Pyramids • Proxy • Daemon • Terrors

Destiny Faction Locations

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